Locanda di Bu - Norca

Restaurant sign

Restaurant interior

Taurasi rosé to start

Taurasi white next

Veal carpaccio with truffles

Fired polenta on zuchinni sauce with salami

Boiled potatoe on egg sauce with fried porcini

spaghetti in zucchini sauce with truffles and sun dried tomatoes

Soft homemade past in a pure very intense tomato sauce with soft cheese

lamb several ways - meatballs, chops, tenderloin and a soup with liver

Vanilla gelato with peach puree (sorry I ate it)

Nancy and the Chef

Le Botteghe - Matera

Restaurant interior


Grilled Bacon-y thing



Strange meatballs (good name for a band!)

Strange meatballs



Fried ball with maybe eggplant inside

Bowl of stewed greens and beans

homemade pasta a kind of penne sized but twisted with grilled veggies

il Due Corte - Lecce

House white wine

Local red


il Braccio - Manfredonia

Restaurant interior

House white

Seafood Antipasti to share

Grilled seafood

Restaurante Fra' Stephano - Peschi

Restaurante Fra' Stephano

Anchovie snack

Bread and wine

Carpaccio primi

Mussels primi

Orecchiette with sweet small clams

All gone

I can't believe it's not a donut

Sweet dessert wine

Da Maurizio - Orvietto

Starter snacks

Orvietto red

proscuito e melone

Luther's antipasi

Agnlotti with truffels

Taglietelli with pesto and fresh tomatoes